Chain of Command

School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Attendance Attendance +32024050142
Counselor School Counselor +3224050147
Registrar Registrar +3224050148
School Liaison School Liaison +32 (0) 2289-9537
School Meals Program School Meals Program 065-44-5724
School Nurse/Health Aide School Nurse +3224050153
School Psychologist School Psychologist +3224050140
Webmaster Webmaster 065-75 4203

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours Instructional Hours Wednesday Hours
PK - 5 8:45 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. 8:45 a.m. - 3:25 p.m. 8:45 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.
  (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri) (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri) (Early Release)
It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school before 10:00 a.m. every time a student is absent.

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Bus Service

School bus service is the responsibility of SHAPE International Headquarters and Support Command (IHSC) Transportation Branch, School Bus Section – Bldg. 710, Tel: DSN 423-4013, Comm.: 065-44-4013. Sponsors must register their children with the School Bus Section if school bus service is desired. Any problems, including discipline, should be brought to the attention of the Transportation Branch; parents are encouraged to contact the bus office, directly for any bus concerns.

Children riding the school bus will follow the safety rules distributed by the transportation office. Children must get on the buses promptly and remain seated on the buses. Parents or guardians are encouraged to walk to the curb with their children until departure and meet the children at the curb upon arrival.

In Belgium, motor vehicles are not required to stop when buses discharge passengers. Caution your child to wait until the bus has departed before he/she attempts to cross the street.

If you have any questions pertaining to the bus services, you may contact the bus office directly at DSN 423- 4013 or Comm. (32) 065-44-4013. School Bus office hours: 0915 - 1115.

1330 - 1430.; 1600 - 1700. School Bus Hotline for school or bus delays: call 065-44-2000 and enter code 6033.

Children riding bicycles to school will get off at the edge of the school grounds and walk them to the designated parking area. ALL BICYCLES should be placed in the rack and locked. When leaving school grounds, bicycles will be walked to the sidewalk before boarding. Bicycles are not allowed on the grounds during school or lunch hours or taken for rides during the school day.

Walking To School
Children who walk to and from school must stay on the sidewalk and cross at the corners or safety crosswalks. Walkers should not arrive at school earlier than 0830.

Children may need to be excused from school for medical or dental appointments. Parents who desire to pick-up their child during the school day need to send a note to their child's teacher prior to the scheduled appointment. When picking up a student early, parents should sign him/her out at the front office and should not go to the classroom. Students will be called out of class upon arrival of the parent. If the child returns prior to the close of school, the parent needs to sign him / her in at the school office.

Leaving School Grounds
No child is allowed to leave the school grounds during the school day without the permission of the principal or assistant principal. NO child at any time during school hours may leave the school grounds to attend a medical appointment without being accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Children should be cautioned against accepting rides from anyone without parental permission. They should also be encouraged to go directly to their buses or to go straight home immediately at dismissal. If for any reason a child misses his/her bus or needs something from the classroom after school, the child must report to the school office. Under most circumstances, children will not be allowed to return to their classrooms after they have left the building.

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