Teacher Rounds at SHAPE ES: A Transformative Model of Professional Development

Lindsay Goldsmith
Feb 26, 2025
A group of teachers walking down the school halls.
SHAPE Elementary School teachers participate in a teacher round, engaging in reflective practice and collaboration learning to enhance student achievement.

At SHAPE Elementary School, teacher rounds have quickly become a cornerstone of professional development and reflective practice. Led by Therese Blanchard, educational technologist, Continuous School Improvement (CSI) chair, and Multilingual Learner Program (MLP) teacher, along with Lauren Campbell, these sessions have fostered a stronger learning community.

“This is a reflective process, and consistency has helped foster a greater learning community among our staff,” Campbell said.

Introduced in the 2023-24 school year with two initial rounds—and supported by instructional systems specialist Rebecca Sterrett—the initiative has expanded to its fifth round. During these sessions, teachers focus on school action plan (SAP) goals and integrate high-quality instructional practices (HQIP) into their lessons through collaborative discussions that drive continuous improvement.

“This is a thought-provoking process,” fifth grade teacher Shannon Blakely said, underscoring the innovative nature of the initiative.

Teacher rounds empower educators to share best practices, reflect on classroom experiences and implement new strategies to enhance student learning.

“This process has challenged me to be a better teacher,” second grade teacher Ashley Gregal said.

By aligning professional development with SAP and HQIP frameworks, teacher rounds are not only transforming classroom instruction but also inspiring a renewed commitment to excellence. As SHAPE ES continues to build on this success, the initiative remains a powerful example of what can be achieved when educators unite with a shared purpose, driving professional growth and elevating student achievement.

A group of students sit around a table.
A SHAPE Elementary School teacher engages with a student during a teacher round, fostering meaningful learning through reflective practice and collaboration. 
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